Finding Your Way Through Formal Verification – free book

Finding Your Way Through Formal Verification provides an introduction to formal verification methods. This book was written as a way to dip a toe in formal waters. You may be curious about formal verification, but you’re not yet sure it is right for your needs. Or you may need to plan and supervise formal verification activity as a part of a larger verification objective.

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Coverage analysis in Questa Visualizer

by Bernard Murphy

Coverage analysis is how you answer the question “have I tested enough?” You need some way to quantify the completeness of our testing; coverage is how you do that. Right out of the gate this is a bit deceptive. To truly cover a design our tests would need to cover every accessible state and state transition. The complexity of that task routinely invokes comparisons with the number of protons in the universe so instead, you use proxies for coverage. Touching every line in the RTL, exercising every branch, every function, every assertion, and so on. Each is a far cry from exhaustive coverage., but as heuristics, they work surprisingly well.

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